I’m thankful that I have such wonderful tutors that help me out with school and that they allow me to practice [boxing] here at Raincross Boxing Academy.
– Marcopolo, RBA Student
We’re thankful for the boxing gym still being open, for the great memories we’ve made here, and for the great people, we’ve met.
– Paul, RBA Parent
It’s a blessing to be part of such an amazing program, help young kids believe in themselves, to show them what love is and what hard work and dedication can get you.
– D-Active, RBA Professional Boxer
To Instill Discipline, Mentorship, and Accountability within the Riverside Community.
Raincross Boxing Academy was founded by Riverside Detective Mario Dorado and students at UC Riverside to create a free boxing program for students, their families, and professional boxers that included community service and education in Riverside, CA. We serve our community and students through events, weekly tutoring, and workouts with students in the Riverside Unified School District.