Established in 2014, Raincross Boxing Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving the Eastside Riverside community and underprivileged and at-risk youth. We are partnered and supported by the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, the Riverside Police Foundation, and the Riverside Probation Department. Our mission is to instill discipline, encouragement, accountability, community involvement, and a healthy lifestyle in at-risk youth.
Raincross Boxing Academy was founded by Riverside Detective Mario Dorado and a group of students at the University of California, Riverside. Inspired by his father, a professional boxer who dedicated countless hours to his community, Detective Dorado partnered with UC Riverside’s Highlander Gloves to create a free boxing program for students, their families, and professional and amateur boxers that included community service and education in Riverside, CA.
Today, we are managed entirely by a group of dedicated university students in the local Riverside community called the Generation of Action.
Our organization serves our community and students through community events and weekly tutoring and workouts with students in the Riverside Unified School District. Our gym is the proud home to over twenty professional and amateur boxers.